Largemouth bass fishing articles by Andrew Ragas. The most comprehensive bass fishing library for Wisconsin bass fishing and across the midwest.

Searching for Slop

  Whether guiding or leisure fishing, we’re always looking for the best available and most unique weed habitat and shallow cover differing from the rest of the fishery. Across many Wisconsin lake systems, some of our best summer season fishing locations are around impenetrable, heavily vegetated areas.
  A bad day of fishing is always better than the best day at work, and fishing during the worst day of fishable weather is always better than sitting indoors. Whether guiding my guests or leisure fishing solo, I must fish through everything from rain and snow, to heat or cold – and even cold

Largemouth Junk Strategies

  Across northern lakes, largemouths tend to seek the deepest edges and weed cover available, but where dense shallow cover is available, fish will also gravitate to these lake areas as well. Largemouths thrive in slop, utilizing it for their living quarters and prolific feeding. In these locations, largemouths frequently hunt for small prey that
  Largemouths are comfortable in warmer, shallower waters. They are also efficient predators in algal bloom conditions. Come mid-summer under 78-to-82-degree water temps., largemouths from these waters feed heavily to maintain their robust weights.
  There is no bad time to catch big largemouths in mid-summer, because they are prolific feeders with voracious appetites, and tolerate well to summertime heat. If I had to identify the best summer season windows, they are the bluegill spawn in June, the establishment of deep green weeds at summer’s peak, and the offshore
  It’s mid-July. The daytime surface temperatures typically reach 75 to 80 degrees, often exceeding that. Summer peak is on. Consequently, the daytime fishing efforts aren’t paying off, as the biggest largemouths congregate along the deepest edges, lay low, and are lounging around comfortably in the better oxygenated deeper waters.
  Ladson, SC (July 11, 2024) – Geologists call it a rare metal, an intriguing element that exhibits super-power like properties. Rivalled only by diamonds in hardness and extreme melting point, tungsten yields exceptional lure assets and numerous bass-catching advantages. Nearly twice as dense as lead, tungsten is a true heavy metal, affording lure smiths
  Ladson, SC (June 13, 2024) – The tail tells the story. It’s the instrument empowering baitfish escape acts; a visual profile that incites emphatic strikes. Underwater, this muscular, razor thin appendage ripples, fans and kicks continuously. In its wake, the tail leaves little breadcrumbs, unique undulations and a sound signature that speaks the language
  Up here, the seasons can change in a flash and weather patterns evolve quickly. As lake surface temperatures slightly warm, bass instinctively sense these changes and go on the move.


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